Setting The Percentage Of Space Reserved For The Recycle Bin Can Save Disk Space
By default, Windows 98 reserves 10% of every disk drive on your system to use as a holding area for files that you throw in the recycle bin. On a 2 gigabyte hard drive, that equates to 200 Mb of disk space just sitting and waiting for you to dump discarded files to. To free up some disk space use the following procedure:
1) Right click the "Recycle Bin" icon on the Windows 98 desk top.
2) Select "Properties" from the drop down menu.
3) Move the sliding scale control from 10% to 3%.
4) Click the "Apply" button.
5) Click the "OK" button.
On a 2 gigabyte hard drive, you will have effectively freed 140 MB of space. Your actual savings will vary depending upon the size of your hard drive.