-When you connect a computer into a network this is most likely done with what's called a Bus. This is the most typical and probably the easier one. I will go through each and let you decide. There are three topology's to think about when you get into networks. These are the star, rind, and the bus.
Star, a ring topology features a logically closed loop. Data packets travel in a single direction around the ring from one network device to the next. Each network device acts as a repeater, meaning it regenerates the signal
Ring, in a star topology each node has a dedicated set of wires connecting it to a central network hub. Since all traffic passes through the hub, the hub becomes a central point for isolating network problems and gathering network statistics.
Bus, the bus topology, each node (computer, server, peripheral etc.) attaches directly to a common cable. This topology most often serves as the backbone for a network. In some instances, such as in classrooms or labs, a bus will connect small workgroups
-Now we have a little idea of what the structures are of the network and what is making it up lets look at each component more carefully.